The Last Chance

Name: The Last Chance

Studio: Site Kappa

Duration: 2 weeks

Date: 2023

Team Size: 3 designers

Genre: Strategy

Engine: Unity

My rol: Programmer, Designer and Technical Designer

Game Jam: Frictional Monster Fun Jam 2023

The Last Chance is a strategy game, as Five Nights at Freddy’s, in the universe of Soma, where a survivor has to retrieve brain scans from an abandoned site, avoiding monsters using various tools, in order to upload them to a server and save themself.

Game’s description

This game was created during Frictional Games’ «Frictional Monster Fun Jam 2023», a Game Jam hosted by the video game studio, which theme was «Monsters of Frictional Games». With this idea, The Last Chance is a spin-off story that take place in Soma’s universe.

The story of this game is entirely original and based on the narrative of Soma: a virtual reality called the ARK is going to be launch into space along with brain scans of multiples people. These people should be able to live a second live inside the ARK, escaping from a post-apocalyptic Earth and saving the humanity. In The Last Chance, the lone survivor of an abandoned site as to retreive the brain scans left there in order to upload them to the ARK before it is launched.

Because the abandoned site, Site Kappa, is infested with WAU monsters (an artifical inteligence from Soma capable of turning people into strange creatures) the player uses a drone to navigate the instalations. In addition, the player can uses a scanner and a radar to locate the enemies and avoid their drone from being destroyed.

As the player stay safe in a locked room while the drone moves in the instalation, a PC is the only way they can control the guide and use their tools. Because of this, the player has to navigate through various screens to obtain information and use it correctly; while managing the available energy left.

What I’ve worked on

During this development, I fulfilled 3 roles: Programmer, Designer and Technical Designer.

As a Programmer:

  • Creation of the AIs.
  • Management of the screens and menus, and the navigation between them.
  • Code of the radar operation.

As a Designer:

  • Participation in the overall design of the game.
  • Level Design.
  • Participation in the balancing.

As a Technical Designer:

  • Organization and assistance with all code related matters.
  • Organization and assistance with all Git related matters.
  • Visual tools to assist level creation and implementation.


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